Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Preparing My List

Our first homeschool convention of the season is quickly approaching and even though we already have most of our curriculum for next year, there are a few more resources that I would like to examine and maybe purchase. I've found that I make much better use of my time at these conventions when I have a plan and a shopping list.

Language Arts: I've been debating about whether I should add some spelling next year for my oldest (7) ~ two resources that I want to check out are Sequential Spelling and Spelling by Sound and Structure.

I'm also considering adding in an English resource like Primary Language Lessons or First Language Lessons.

My 5-year old daughter will be officially joining us for school next year. She is currently working through Rod & Staff preschool workbooks. Once she finishes those, I plan to use the same Kindergarten language arts program that I used with my oldest.

Handwriting: DS7 just completed the Italics Workbook B - not sure whether I want to go on to Book C or just move on to creating all of my own copywork. Either way, I do want to purchase some kind of font/copywork program ~ I definitely want to check out StartWrite.

For my k'er I need to purchase a new copy of the Italics Workbook A.

Literature: We are currently about 1/3 of the way through Ambleside Online's Year One - but I guess it couldn't hurt to make a list of Year Two's books and snag them if I can find used or bargain copies while we're shopping.

I just completed a "free reading" list for my 7-year old and I put together a book basket that contained some books from this list. However, he is a voracious reader, and I know that he will probably go through these books very quickly. Now would probably be the perfect time to put together a list for next year so I can take advantage of the used book sales at the conventions.

Math: We are using Mastering Mathematics for my 7-year old's math curriculum - and we own all of the workbooks needed through about 6th - 7th grade, so math is covered for my oldest.

For my upcoming K'er - I plan to use Singapore's Early Bird Math workbooks - we have 1A and 1B, so I guess I could/should add 2A and 2B to my list.

Science: Covered ~ Ambleside includes a number of living science books in it's curriculum. We are also trying to do some of the nature study challenges posted on the Handbook of Nature Study blog.

History: Covered by our Ambleside curriculum.

Misc: I need to choose my plan book for next year. This year I used a very basic plan book and I loved it - not sure if I'll be able to find the exact one or if it would even work next year because I'll be adding my k'er in...

Now, that's a list of our homeschool "needs", and this year, the "needs" list isn't very long. Because the list is so short this year, I do believe that there may be some room in our homeschool budget to indulge some of my homeschool "wants" - you know, the fun stuff. This year my "wants" list includes:

How about you other homeschoolers, are you planning on attending any conventions this year?


Laura Lee said...

Had no idea conventions had used book sellers, too!! I think I'll need to investigate this farther... :D

Anonymous said...

I'll give you my vote for First Language Lessons. It was the perfect fit for us. I will also give my vote for StartWrite. I'm posting a thorough review of StartWrite on my blog tomorrow, if you want to check it out.

Our local convention isn't until July and I'm already getting antsy. I love convention weekend!

Wendi said...

Thanks for your input Kris. I'll definitely have to check out your review of StartWrite.

We have our very small local convention this weekend and a larger one (about 1 hr away) in May. I don't usually buy too much - I spend most of my time browsing.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually buy too much at the fairs either. I have a friend who can get most of what I need at a great discount. I like to go and browse and chat with friends...and shop at Miller Pad & Paper. ;-)


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