Monday, August 31, 2009
Weekend Fun
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Box Full of Books...Our New Curriculum
We're in our 3rd official year of homeschooling. This year our school consists of a 2nd grader, a k'er and a busy, busy preschooler.
Up to now we've done an eclectic mix of curriculums - concentrating mostly on reading and math. Towards the middle of last year we transitioned to using Ambleside Online's Year One Curriculum - and ds7 loved our Ambleside reading time. However, I was unsure how dd5 would handle the content of much of Year One's reading selections. And I really did not want to start down the Ambleside path if it was not one we would continue longterm - so I began to consider Sonlight.
The funny thing is, Sonlight is the curriculum that I was absolutely sure we would use when we first began to research homeschooling - I loved their literature-based approach to learning. But for one reason or another, we never tried it. But this year, with my husband's blessing, we made the plunge and bought Sonlight's Core 1 Curriculum.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A Long Break
I do plan to get back to blogging more regularly. I can't wait to share how our new curriculum is working :)