Our one guaranteed field trip of the year is our county fair.
My kids are young enough that they get in free, and this year my oldest entered a photo in the fair, so I got in free too :) - all we had to pay for was parking...
All three kids love to wander down the stalls of each barn and visit with the farm animals. This year I gave ds7 the camera. I knew I could count on him to take tons of pictures and I have to admit, I love his perspective :)

My favorite spot is always the birthing tent - we love checking out the new babies that were born at the fair. This year we got to visit with a mama pig with had just given birth to a bunch of baby piglets :)

This mama was there too, we didn't see a calf with her so I assume she was there because she was ready to give birth.

Next stop was the petting zoo area - we didn't really pet the animals but we did get to see a variety of animals that are not normally "shown" at the fair - the kids loved this little peeps in the incubator...

They thought this ox was pretty cool too, while it was lying down. They backed up pretty quick when it stood up while they were standing right beside its pen!

This alpaca was very friendly - it even posed for our picture :)

We also got to visit a bit with this emu.

But my seven-year old claims that the screech owl was definitely the best animal he got to see that day...
I love your pics! I grew up doing 4-H for 12 years and this year we took our kids to the fair and my daughter held her nose the entire time we were in the animal barns. It cracked me up, because their life is so different than mine was! I think getting out and seeing and experiencing animals up close is so important for children. Kudos to you for taking them!!
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