The assignment for the first day is to declutter the surfaces of your home...I feel like I am pretty good at keeping clutter at bay, it feels like I declutter many surfaces on a weekly basis, but the clutter always returns. Here's a before picture of a clutter magnet area of my kitchen counter.
Today I only tackled the main level of our home, I still have the upstairs (bedrooms), and the basement (playroom). However, I am pleased with the results so far.
Now, onto the question Simple Mom asked:
Am I feeling emotional about any of this stuff? If so, why? Do those knickknacks create your memories, or are they just things you happened to collect during those times on which you enjoy reflecting?
Actually, I'm not really much of a "collector", and since having kids, I have gotten rid of many of the knick-knacks that I did own. I remember sitting on the couch for hours upon hours nursing my first-born ~ and being so discouraged by the clutter that I saw all around me. Since then, I have been on a mission to rid our home of unnecessary clutter...
Most of the things that tend to clutter our home these days are things that we actually use (homeschool supplies, books, kids' creations, more books, kids' toys, more kid's creations). We use them, and then we fail to return them to their proper homes.
I'm right with you on the clutter issue in that often what is left out in our home is the kid's stuff. Granted, my husband and I leave quite a bit in the wrong spot ourselves, but the bulk of it is my 2yo daughter's books, craft supplies, blocks, etc. Your before and after pics look great! Thank you for sharing!
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