Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Field Trip ~ The county fair

We made our annual trek to our county fair today…can anybody say field trip :) 

100_7121We spent most of our time visiting the animals…from a huge steer and a little donkey…

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to an emu and a baby goat and its mama.

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We always enjoy visiting the birthing center and checking out all the animal babies that have been born at the fair.


This mama pig had a bunch of baby piggies fighting over her at feeding time…but one little piggy decided to wander instead…too much competition, I guess.


The birthing center also featured a new baby calf, and a couple pregnant cows and heifers...  {We learned that a heifer is a female that has not been pregnant before and a cow is a female that has already given birth at least once…I never knew that before.}

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We also got to see a new baby lamb…all these babies have been born while their mamas were at the fair {it began on Friday}.

100_7130 We also got to see some sheep shearing in progress {my ds3 thought this was very cool} and more sheep, goats and cows than you can shake a stick at :)

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Last year we forgot to visit the horse barn…we made sure to stop by this year.

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And we got there just in time to witness a horse getting a new set of shoes put on…

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The kiddos were worried that this hurt the horse, I assured them that this was not painful for the horse…

100_7157There was a huge tractor display near the horse barn…a little boys’ {and girls’}paradise…

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Ds8 tried out a bunch of tractors too, but sometimes it’s just not possible to get pics of all three kiddos when they’re running in three different directions, so I gotta stick with the younger ones :)

Next stop was the poultry and bunny barn…I tell ya, that was one noisy place!

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The kiddos were particularly impressed with the incubator display…one incubator had new baby chicks in it.  The other contained eggs that were hatching…as we watched! 

100_7158Our final stop before heading out was the households building…where all of the food and art entries are judged and displayed.  My kiddos always enjoy checking out other children’s fair entries.  Ds8 borrowed the camera for a few minutes and captured a few of his favorites on film {the digital kind}.

We had a great day visiting our local fair…the weather was beautiful and the animals were plentiful.  My kiddos can’t wait for our next field trip!


Amy said...

How FUN!!! I love the new babies area - what a neat idea!


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