I also searched for some St. Patrick's Day books, but there were not that many to choose from. I did find one in my own stash that I had snagged from library sale last year: St. Patrick's Day in the Morning by Eve Bunting.
On the second shelf are some leftover winter books about "sugaring time", I plan on cleaning these out in a week or two. Our favorite one is Sugar Snow - all of my kids love the First Little House Books.
On the third shelf are some Easter selections that we own: The Legend of the Easter Egg, The Story of the Resurrection Eggs, and The Parable of the Lily.
On the bottom shelf are some springtime picture books: Lost in the Woods and Springtime. I'll be adding more springtime books to this shelf as we go through the season. I have a whole pile of them waiting on my bookshelf.
This bookshelf is attached to our living room wall. I try to rotate the selections in here every few weeks. I love the fact that the fronts of the books are displayed ~ if I put a book on this shelf, I can pretty much guarantee that the kids will choose to read it (or ask me to read it).
I also cleaned out our magazine basket. Last year, I sorted all of our children's magazines by season: December, January and February for Winter; March, April and May for Spring, etc. My plan is to keep magazines that match our current season in the magazine basket. The kids haven't seen them for a year, so they are like new to them. Some of the magazine titles included in our basket are Clubhouse Jr., High Five, and Chirp.
I also sat down and laid out a very basic plan for the next few months of school - our main curriculum comes from Ambleside Online's Year One Reading List, but I like to add in some extra science read-alouds (mostly picture books) and also some history & holiday read-alouds. But that post will have to wait for another day :)
Great idea! I put out our Easter and Spring books on the fireplace.
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