Sunday, March 15, 2009

Menu Plan ~ March 15-21

I was very pleased with how last week's menu plan worked out. I was not sure that I would be able to pull off having dinner prepared before leaving for swim lessons, but I was pleasantly surprised!

Hopefully, I can make it work again this week - it was SO NICE to walk in the door at 6:30pm and sit down to a homecooked family dinner 10 minutes later (instead of picking up drive-thru food on the way home).

So here's the plan:

Breakfasts ~ french toast, breakfast cookies, toast, amish baked oatmeal, cereal & yogurt, pancakes (from the freezer)

Lunches ~ grilled cheese, pb& j sandwiches, snacky lunch, Cheesy Brown Rice, tortilla pizzas

Dinners ~ Three Cheese Pasta Casserole, Rodeo Chicken Sandwiches, Cheesy Brown Rice & vegies, Chili, Pizza Bread, Cracker Casserole

For more menu plans, head over to $5 Dinners!


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