One of our family’s most favorite fall traditions is taking a trip the pumpkin patch. We began the tradition when our oldest {now 8}, was just a little guy, and our middle girl {now 6} was just a toddler.
October 2005
We continued the tradition the following year when I looked like I was carrying my own pumpkin around {Ds3 was born in mid-Oct that year}.
October 2006I couldn’t find pictures of 2007’s trip to the patch, but I found evidence that we had indeed been there :)
October 2007
We celebrated our youngest’s birthday there in 2008.
October 2008
Every year I attempt to get a good picture…one that may make it on the Christmas card {this one didn’t make it}…
October 2009
But the 2010 pumpkin patch picture may just make the cut…all three kiddos smiled for the camera…at the same time :)
One thing that I love about this yearly tradition is that our visit always follows the same pattern. When we first arrive at the farm the kiddos usually stick their heads through the wooden background props…
Then they check out the animals in the petting zoo area.
And there are always some really cool hay bale creations at this farm to investigate.
Then it’s time to catch the hayride out to the pumpkin patch.
Once we arrive at the pumpkin patch we begin our search for the perfect pumpkins and gourds…
Then it’s time for mama to get the kiddos to pose for some pictures.
This year my mom joined us too…
We came home with a pumpkin for each kiddo, a pile of cool-looking gourds, and a bunch of fun memories to add to our collection :)
What are your favorite fall traditions?
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